Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team

How do I register?

It’s quick and simple; all you have to do is fill an online form. Click here to start registering now.

I am not sure that I want to register as yet. Can I speak to someone to find out more?

Absolutely, our team of experts is here to help you. Give us a call on +442031291116

Alternatively, you can complete our contact form and we will be in touch shortly.

Why do I need to register?

There is no catch to registering with us; it’s free and you don’t have to transfer if you don’t want to.

By registering with us, you will not only access our online system 24/7 to send and receive currencies but you will also obtain expert guidance on the markets from our team of specialists. They will give you live market quote and assist you in the choice of the transfer services that best suit your needs.

Ready to register? Click here.

Why do I need to give you copies of my bank account and my passport?

We’re committed to the highest standards in quality and safety, therefore, to comply with FCA and HMRC guidelines, we need to know your details (who you are, where you live, etc.). We never share any of your data with anyone else and we store all customer information securely.

Please note that in some instances we may ask for further details from you, on top of standard details requested.

How can I transfer my money?

We’re committed to the highest standards to ensure that your funds are safe at all times. Equals Group PLC (the “Company”) is a public limited liability company incorporated in England and Wales and domiciled in the UK whose shares are admitted to AIM, a market operated by The London Stock Exchange.

In addition to be regulated on AIM, we are regulated by FCA and HMRC. The Group has access to real-time settlement accounts with the Bank of England and is a member of the UK Faster Payments Scheme, meaning customers can transfer and receive funds with immediate effect.

How long will it take for my money to be in an account overseas?

It will depend on where you are sending the funds and how long it takes you to settle with us. We can send money to countries in Europe on the day you book the deal. We send a lot of payments so just talk to us and we can tell you how long your funds will take to arrive with your beneficiary. All payments are sent via the SWIFT network and we can track and trace every payment in real time.

Will you inform me when you have sent my payment?

Yes, we will send you a confirmation email as soon as we have sent the currency to the recipient’s account.

If I live outside of the EU can you still help me?

Yes, we have thousands of customers who are not resident in the EU. We also have offices and agents all over the world so we may be able to help you somewhere locally – click here to find out more about our locations and contact us.

How is my exchange rate calculated?

The exchange rate that you see on the news is called the ‘interbank rate’ – it’s the wholesale rate at which banks (and only banks) buy and sell currency between each other. This rate is not available to companies or individuals.

At Freedom Forex, we are able to buy currency at a wholesale rate and we pass the savings we receive from buying in bulk to our customers. You will always get quoted a price for the currency you want to buy or sell whether you trade online or over the phone.

The exchange rate changes every few seconds but once we agree a rate with you – that’s the rate you’ll get no matter what happens there after.

At which point is my rate confirmed? Will it continue fluctuating until I receive my transfer?

The exchange rate is the rate you’ll agree with your currency expert over the phone or online when you book your transfer. Once the conversion rate has been confirmed, your rate will remain the same, independently of what is happening on the markets.

What are your charges?

There are no fee’s, commissions or charges applied.

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